
Premium bitumen supplier for global infrastructure projects


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Oxidized Bitumen


Oxidized bitumen is mainly used for industrial purposes, such as roof insulation, flooring, industrial mastics, pipe coating, and paints. Oxidized bitumen is categorized based on softening points and penetration rate. For example, oxidized bitumen 85/40 is a type of bitumen whose softening point is 85±5 degrees Centigrade and its penetration rate is 40±5 dmm.

Oxidized bitumen is a specially treated form of bitumen, a byproduct of crude oil refinement. It undergoes an oxidation process that increases its viscosity, making it thicker and more resistant to temperature changes. This alteration enhances its adhesive properties and makes it ideal for various road construction applications.

The Benefits of Using Oxidized Bitumen:
  • Improved Durability: Oxidized bitumen provides roads with excellent resistance to cracking and deformation, especially in regions with extreme temperature fluctuations. Its ability to handle heavy traffic loads ensures a longer service life for roadways.
  • Improved Durability: Oxidized bitumen provides roads with excellent resistance to cracking and deformation, especially in regions with extreme temperature fluctuations. Its ability to handle heavy traffic loads ensures a longer service life for roadways.
  • Reduced Rutting: Rutting, or the formation of grooves in the road surface due to constant traffic, is minimized when oxidized bitumen is used. This reduces maintenance needs and enhances road safety.
  • Flexible Application: Oxidized bitumen can be tailored to specific project requirements, allowing engineers and construction professionals to select the right type of bitumen for each road project based on factors such as traffic volume, climate, and load-bearing capacity.
The Environmental Aspect:

As concerns about environmental sustainability grow, it's important to note that oxidized bitumen is recyclable. It can be reclaimed from old road surfaces and reused in new asphalt mixtures, reducing the demand for new bitumen and lessening the environmental impact of road construction.

Oxidized Bitumen applications:

Welcome to the concluding part of our comprehensive guide to roofing with bitumen. In Part 2, we delved into the installation process of bitumen roofing, compared it with other...

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Welcome back to the second part of our journey into the world of roofing with bitumen. In Part 1, we explored the fundamentals of bitumen roofing, its advantages, and its...

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Roofing isn't just about providing a shelter from the elements; it's about safeguarding what's underneath, ensuring a haven of comfort and security. Enter bitumen,...

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Welcome back to the continuation of our exploration into the world of waterproofing with bitumen. In Part 1, we covered the basics of bitumen, its advantages, and applications...

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Waterproofing is a crucial aspect of construction, safeguarding structures against the damaging effects of water infiltration. Among the various materials used for...

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Global Synergy supplies Oxidized Bitumen all grades:
In the world of energy resources, few substances hold as much significance as oxidized bitumen 85/40. This specialized product is a cornerstone of the operations at Global Synergy, an industry-leading oil derivative export company. Let's delve into the remarkable properties of oxidized bitumen 85/40 and explore how it contributes to the success of Global Synergy. Read more
In the realm of oil derivatives, one product stands out as a versatile and essential component – Oxidized Bitumen 90/15. This remarkable substance, with its diverse applications and unique properties, plays a pivotal role in the success story of the Global Synergy Oil Derivative Export Company. Read more
In the realm of the oil industry, few products play a more crucial role than oxidized bitumen. Among its various formulations, Oxidized Bitumen 95/25 stands as a stellar example of the innovative products that drive the success of the Global Synergy Oil Derivative Export Company. Read more
In the ever-evolving world of oil derivatives, Oxidized Bitumen 85/25 has emerged as a crucial player, driving the global synergy in the oil export industry. This specialized form of bitumen holds the key to enhancing infrastructure development, bolstering road construction, and creating a sustainable environment. Read more
In the fast-paced world of oil derivatives, one substance stands out for its versatile applications and unmatched quality - Oxidized Bitumen 150/5. This unique product has become a cornerstone of Global Synergy Oil Derivative Export Company, offering an array of benefits for various industries worldwide. Read more
In the dynamic world of oil derivatives, one product stands out for its versatility and widespread application - Oxidized Bitumen 115/25. As a core offering of the Global Synergy Oil Derivative Export Company, this high-quality product has gained recognition for its exceptional properties and diverse use cases. In this article, we'll delve into the unique characteristics of Oxidized Bitumen 115/25 and explore its pivotal role in the international market, highlighting how Global Synergy has established itself as a leading supplier. Read more
In the realm of the oil industry, few products play as pivotal a role as oxidized bitumen 105/35. This remarkable substance, a derivative of petroleum, holds a significant place in the operations of Global Synergy, an esteemed oil derivative export company. With a commitment to excellence, innovation, and sustainable practices, Global Synergy has harnessed the potential of oxidized bitumen 105/35, propelling the company to the forefront of the global oil market. Read more
In the realm of energy derivatives, a substance known as Oxidized Bitumen 90/40 has emerged as a game-changer, propelling the global synergy in oil derivative exports to new heights. This exceptional material, born from the transformation of crude oil, holds the key to numerous applications across industries. In this article, we'll explore the significance of Oxidized Bitumen 90/40 and its pivotal role in the operations of a leading oil derivative export company on the global stage. Read more
In the world of oil derivatives, few products stand out as prominently as Oxidized Bitumen 90/10. This specialized compound has carved a significant niche in the global market, and its importance is accentuated within the operations of Global Synergy Oil Derivative Export Company. In this article, we'll explore the unique properties, applications, and global significance of Oxidized Bitumen 90/10 in the context of this forward-thinking company. Read more
In the intricate world of oil derivative exports, a key player that stands out is Global Synergy, a company renowned for its exceptional quality products. Among its top offerings, Oxidized Bitumen 85/35 shines as a cornerstone product that has left an indelible mark on the industry. Let's dive into the nuances of this remarkable substance and understand why it holds such significance. Read more
In the world of energy derivatives, Oxidized Bitumen 75/35 stands as a remarkable asset, an essential component of the operations at Global Synergy Oil Derivative Export Company. With its unique properties and versatile applications, this product has become a cornerstone in the construction and infrastructure sectors, offering durability, flexibility, and sustainability. Read more
When it comes to road construction and maintenance, one essential ingredient that plays a crucial role in ensuring the longevity and resilience of asphalt is oxidized bitumen 115/15. This specialized bitumen grade, also known as blown bitumen, is a key component that significantly enhances the performance and durability of asphalt mixtures, making it an indispensable choice for various infrastructure projects. Read more
Oxidized Bitumen common packings:
One of the most common packaging of bitumen is new steel drum. The new steel drums are easy to handle, transport and a proper packaging to ensure the products reach their target destinations flawlessly without any leakage or spill. Read more